Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ugly little bracelets

If you are a parent, you've no doubt received a homemade gift from your child. You know the kind I'm talking about-some type of craft project from school or church where you must wonder what the teacher was thinking? It often begins with a flimsy base of some sort, and includes brightly glittered accents with copious amounts of glue. Probably the tackiest thing you've ever seen, right?

Well, mine was made by my 4 year old daughter, Kyla. Recently, she brought home her first homemade bracelet for me from Sunday school. It consists of a white pipe cleaner with little plastic beads that she strung on it. She gave it to me and said, "Mommy, I made this for you because I love you." What do you think my reaction was? Did I throw it away or tell her I didn't want it because the neon plastic beading doesn't match my highly sophisticated wardrobe? NO! I wore it with pride, and to me that ugly little bracelet is as beautiful as a diamond tennis bracelet!

I ran across that bracelet today in my jewelry box when I was dusting, and I got to thinking...I wonder if that's how God sees us? Are we, in our ugliness of sin, a beautiful piece of jewelry to Him? I wonder if when we offer ourselves up to Him in love, he gladly takes our gift and instead of seeing an ugly bracelet, he sees the diamond tennis bracelet instead. You know what? I think he does. And I am every so grateful!

Lord, Thank you for taking this ugly little bracelet and making me beautiful in your sight! Please give me that kind of vision to see the world!