Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mothering Meltdowns

Last night I was reading Nancy Leigh Demoss’ Becoming God’s True Woman, and I noticed myself begin to tear up as I read the passage on Mothering Meltdowns. (I have had more than one of those in my career as a Domestic Engineer!) So many times I, like every other mom I know, come to a place where I question what good I am really doing. Is being a worn out, harried, stay at home, homeschooling mom really the best alternative, especially when I consider those all-too-often days that I have a hard time keeping my patience in check? I was touched by the understanding in this section as she wrote just what my weary spirit needed to hear, “In those moments, there really is no other source of refreshment than God…offer your weariness and discouragement to Jesus in prayer, trusting His intercession on your behalf…God wants to give you fresh strength and new joy for the task.”

As I consider my role, I think of the many other moms like me who feel like we are always getting it wrong, and wonder when we can look back at our day and feel successful. I must constantly remember that God is our source of strength. He has called us to this ministry of motherhood, and will give us everything we need to be successful in it. I woke up today revived, despite my lack of sleep. My husband and I played and danced with our children. We ate together and talked about God. Despite the fact that there are still dirty dishes in my sink, loads of laundry to fold, and the reality that I am still in my pajamas at 3:30 in the afternoon, the day has been successful. God’s spirit rejuvenated me, like only He can.

Thank you, God for refreshing my spirit today. Thank you for calling me into this ministry of motherhood, and for equipping me to handle it. Please help me to be successful as I nurture these precious lives you have entrusted to my care. Amen

1 comment:

Ken Tsui said...

I perhaps don't know the whole story but I've seen nothing but strength, courage, willingness and determination.

Ken Tsui