Sunday, June 22, 2008

Matt's Going Away Party

Before Matt left for Officer Training Camp, I was able to successfully throw Matt a surprise going away party, where we were able to spend some time worshiping God through music and also were able to lay hands on and pray over Matt. In addition to our friends from church and work, Matt's family was even able to join us from NJ and Northern VA! It was great to see them and have Matt see a portion of the people who are supporting him this summer. During the party, I shared a few thoughts from my heart about Matt and why I asked everyone to join me in sending Matt across the "Blue Line". Some people have asked me for a copy of what I wrote, so I thought the best way would be to post it on here. I know it is a bit long for a blog, but I'm not exactly one who can keep it short-sorry!

Thank you to all of you who have been such a support to Matt, myself and our family! We are all having a great summer, and God is doing some amazing things in all our lives as He draws us closer to Himself. We leave Tuesday (6/24) to go visit Matt at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, AL, for a week, and REALLY look forward to seeing him!!!!!! After that, he will be away for another 6 weeks for more training and an internship throughout the southeast, and we will continue our trek over the east coast visiting family and friends. Feel free to check out Matt's blog at if you would like to see more of what he is up to this summer.'s Matt's going away letter from me......I love you sweetie, and I am so proud of you! I think you are amazing!

When I first met Matt back in college, I was blown away with his passion for the Lord, and the way he lived his faith authentically. It is probably the one thing that most attracted me to him, and quickly drew me to fall in love with him. It is now 16 years later, and I can honestly say that his faith has only grown, and through the years, he has learned to be real about his Christianity in an even stronger way. And still, it is what I love most about him!

Matt comes from an amazing heritage, and his parents modeled dependence on God in a remarkable way. He often recalls the numerous “five dollar in the mailbox” stories, where the family would have nothing in the house to eat, so they would sit down and pray. Dad would go to get the mail, and in the mailbox was an envelope with $5 in it-enough for bread, milk and some peanut butter. Personally, I remember the first summer we were dating. Matt was preparing to have surgery on a tumor, which was later diagnosed at malignant. The night before the surgery, Matt’s dad had the whole family gather together. We sang worship songs and prayed over Matt. These and many other examples, left an indelible mark on Matt’s life, and taught him the importance of trusting God in difficult circumstances.

It was to be a pattern Matt would continue, and it is one he has led our family with throughout the years. When we face difficult circumstances, or need guidance, Matt chooses to turn to God through worship and prayer. I remember living in NJ, and knowing God was calling us into full time ministry. We spent countless hours at night around the keyboard singing, and just about as much time at Joe and Pam’s house praying for God’s direction.

And how could we forget that last Thanksgiving in WI? There we were in our little house with 25 Chinese students who wanted to eat a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner for the first time. Everyone knew that we would be leaving for VA soon, and what did Matt choose to do after dinner? Sing worship songs, and pray. It was such a precious time, and I’ll never forget singing “How Great is Our God” with those guys. It was a moment of complete trust in God’s goodness, despite an uncertain future.

So, Matt, here we are again, at another major intersection in our life. And in the spirit of the examples already laid out before us, I wanted to make sure you had the opportunity to come before God, and worship Him. We also wanted to take some time to have your loved ones pray over you. We are all so excited for what you are about to embark on-Your dreams are finally coming true, and we couldn’t be prouder! The Air Force commissioned you on behalf of the President of the United States, well, we want to Commission you on behalf of the Creator of the Universe, the Savior of our Souls, and our loving Father who graciously walks beside us.

As I was planning and thinking about what to say, I was drawn to Romans 3. I love the whole chapter, but in the interest of time, I’ll jump to verse 38:

38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

No matter our circumstances, our God is always great, and He has been nothing but good to us! He is faithful, even when we have not been, and I know that his love and faithfulness will forever remain. So, we send you with the one thing that will follow you all of your days, will always be faithful, and will never disappoint you—we commission you in God’s love.

Thank you God for your love that never does disappoint us, and is always faithful! Than you for how You have taken care of us so far this summer, and I thank you in advance for how You will continue to bless our family! Thank you for my husband-one of the 3 best gifts you have ever given me, and the closest human example I have seen of your love to me! You are amazing, God!

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